The Astrobin Community (ABC) All-sky survey: Announcement Other · Brian Boyle · ... · 7 · 1077 · 0

profbriannz 16.52
The ABC all-sky survey team are delighted to announce the first lunation of the ABC all-sky survey.  This is a community-based attempt to produce a high-quality, relatively deep all-sky colour survey of the night sky.

Following an extensive discussion of the survey parameters on the AB forum

the observing and processing pipeline may be found here:

and the field centres may be found here (there are 1120 of them):

Please leave a comment with you Astrobin ID in the Field ID and the team will update the document.

The survey design has been founded on the principles of inclusivitycommunity and quality.   

The ABC Survey team  would like as many people as possible to take part.  While the quality principle drives us to a prescribed observing and processing pipeline under relatively dark skies (Bortle 4 or better), the field size (9 x 6 deg) and resolution (at least 10arcsec/pix) has been designed to be inclusive of imaging systems with focal lengths 85-250mm and both full frame and APS-C sized sensors.

For those that cannot take part in the imaging part of the survey, there will be plenty of opportunity for the community as a whole engage in the subsequent quality control and mosaicing of the data.   Further offers of help are most appreciated. 

Survey Procedure 

1) Please book the fields you propose to observe on a lunation-by-lunation basis, using this google docs form:
2) Follow the observing and linear processing pipeline in this document here [link]
3) One you have the final image for the field you have booked, please send a message to my Astrobin Account and I will send you a Dropbox link to upload your image to.
4) I will then download these images into an Astrobin account setup for the purpose of collating the data, and from which the survey will be built. @Salvatore Iovene - I will need help in setting up such an account since I don't want to create any security loopholes by having two accounts]. 
5) Any booked field whose image have not received by full moon will  be unbooked again.  So others may make an attempt.  If you have not been able to complete a field, but already have some/much of the data taken, please message me and the booking can be kept open.  The ABC Survey team would also request that you keep all sub-frames and master calibration frames on disk for at least 12 months.  As the survey team progress the task of bringing the all-sky survey together, we may need to ask for the original sub-frames to be re-processed. 
6) We welcome data already taken, if they fulfil the conditions of the pipeline, and you are happy to contribute the data.  Please book out the fields and let me know that you have the data.  

We do not hide from the fact that we do not know (yet) the best way to bring all these images into a seamless all-sky survey.  Working on it together as a community, we give ourselves the best chance of finding a solution.  

Nevertheless, we embark on this survey not knowing whether it will work or not.  This first dark lunation is very much a test of the community take-up, ability to manage the data and the homogeneity in bringing it all together.    We are "building the aeroplane as we fly it" and so we appreciate all feedback.   Please feel free to comment below.   It is humbling to see 80 people already indicate their willingness/ability to help take part in the survey observations.  It is even more humbling to receive the number of positive messages from the AB community regarding the usefulness of such a survey.  

We understand that you are giving up some of your rare clear, dark nights to contribute to a greater endeavour whose success (or failure) is, as yet, unknown.  For that, we thank you.   

Draft Copyright

Our proposal is that, respecting AB's current copyright policy, all individual images remain the copyright to the person who acquired the data.  In providing the data to the ABC survey team, that individual permits the ABC survey team to use that data for the purpose of constructing an all-sky survey, from which various products [catalogues, images of sub-regions of the sky] can be derived.  Those derived products will be copyright of the ABC community, and freely available to all subscribed members to Astrobin.
Edited ...
·  1 like
Brian Boyle:
4) I will then download these images into an Astrobin account setup for the purpose of collating the data, and from which the survey will be built. @Salvatore Iovene - I will need help in setting up such an account since I don't want to create any security loopholes by having two accounts].

Hi Brian,

if you use a new email address, there will be no issue creating a new account. AstroBin doesn't check your cookies or your IP to see if you already own another account.

If you need to share this account with another person, and this person is in a different country, then you will need to share the email account too, because AstroBin will enforce one-time passwords via email when it detect an attempt to access from a different country.

That should be all!
GoldfieldAstro 0.90
·  1 like
I’m away from my desktop at the moment so I cannot cross reference the tiles nor how much exposure time there is but…

similar field sizes to FF + 135mm
whwang 11.64
·  1 like
should we pin this thread so it's always on top?
ABC_Survey 0.00
ABC_Survey account now set up.


ABC_Survey 0.00
Wei-Hao Wang:
should we pin this thread so it's always on top?

Probably a question for the moderators and @Salvatore Iovene

profbriannz 16.52
In respect of existing wide fields, I suggest that we leave it to the imager to determine

a) whether the data was (or can be) taken and processed as per the pipeline and
b) whether they wish to make it available to the survey 

as per item 6) in the announcement above.

Condition a) saves the survey team significant time it trying to determine if the data is suitable (something only really the original photographer can know and condition b) ensures that copyright is respected.  The photographer has to make a conscious decision to upload the survey to the survey, and thereby grant rights for their data to be used in survey products.

I have quite a few widefields out there [Scorpius, Orion, Puppis, Chameleon] - but having loked at them , I am not sure it the simplest thing is simply to either re-take the data or let someone do a better job than me.

CS Brian
profbriannz 16.52
As we near the end of the third lunation of the survey, I thought I would provide a review of progress.

1) We have taken data covering almost 12% of the entire sky.
2) This data has been focussed on two areas - a 20 degree circle around around the South Celestial Pole and 45 x 45 deg section around the bulge of the Milky Way galaxy
3) Good progress us being made on mosaicing of data, which may also assist in QC. (you can check the Mosaic Making thread to see a rough-and-ready mosaic of the Milky Way area)
4) None of the imaged fields have yet been rigorously quality controlled. Although it apprars that the survey protocols can provide data of the required quality, it is likely that a number of fields will need to be re-imaged.
5) The bulk of the work to date has been done by a small number of people, but if we can make this progress will such a small group, think of what we can do with more. I know a number of people have signed up to this Forum, and if you would like to take a more active part that would be very welcome.  
6) We particularly need Northern Hemisphere observers, and Southern Hemisphere too. 
7)Nevertheless, with the progress made in just 3 months, I think this is a very exciting project to be part of.  My thanks in particular to @James Tickner@Astrogerdt and @Michael Ring

CS Brian
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