Participation with Askar130 PHQ mono image Askar 130PHQ · astrojuanan · ... · 4 · 410 · 0

juancc 1.20
I would love to be able to count on people to be able to make a common image with an Askar130, 2600mm mono camera and Antlia filters. We are in the northern hemisphere, it would be a beautiful and unique project, I think that people with a focal length of 1000 could also participate and add hours and hours, I speak Spanish but I use a translator hehehe
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messierman3000 4.20
·  1 like
I was also thinking about the idea of making a large group image with very long integration.

Imagine 100 or more people participating; very unlikely that would happen, but it's an interesting idea.
juancc 1.20
·  1 like
The idea is great, you already have one on the list, I hope more are added, it would be a great work together, something magnificent could come out

I was also thinking about the idea of making a large group image with very long integration.

Imagine 100 or more people participating; very unlikely that would happen, but it's an interesting idea.

Aastro123 1.20
·  1 like
The idea is great, you already have one on the list, I hope more are added, it would be a great work together, something magnificent could come out

I was also thinking about the idea of making a large group image with very long integration.

Imagine 100 or more people participating; very unlikely that would happen, but it's an interesting idea.

We should all chat on discord, it would be easier. I think a group project with the 130phq and 2600mm would be amazing! 

My discord is andyneedshelp  message me and maybe we could make a server to communicate through
juancc 1.20
I leave a link to the discord server for anyone who wants to join the project
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