GEM28 opinions iOptron GEM28 · dkamen · ... · 7 · 274 · 0

dkamen 6.89
Hi guys,

I am considering the GEM28 as an upgrade from my EQM35 which has given me lots of good moments but also lots of painful ones

I would normally go to a HEQ5 or a EQ6 without much thinking but am very tempted by the GEM28's super light weight and the OOTB support for WiFi and USB.

I believe all three can handle my gear: my imaging scopes are a Zenithstar 73II and a TS Photon 6" f/5, my camera is Omegon 533 VeTEC and my guding is the little ZWO 30/120 and an ASI178. I do not consider a larger scope because higher resolution is pointless with my seeing. But I do want my current scopes to work better than with the EQM35.

I was wondering about the following:
  • Is the GEM28 a good idea, especially with the 6" Newt? Searching here, I see it is used mostly with small refractors, smaller even than the Zenithstar.
  • Are iOptron QA issues still a thing? I have read some horror stories by GEM28 owners but they were from 1-2 years ago. I also have a bad experience myself from when I owned a SmartEQ+, it was a nightmare compared  to my Star Adventurer which has been working flawlessly for 9 years and even the EQM35 which does have its weaknesses from a design  POV but no actual defects as such.


I've been using this mount for about a year and a half. Did not run into any serious issues but did have a couple of small annoyances. Biggest payload I've managed is a RASA 8 but I think that kind of pushes the limit of this mount so mostly used a 6" newt recently as well. The performance of the mount was largely satisfactory for a relative beginner like myself. Can get sub 1" guiding when conditions allow it.

Biggest problem with this mount is that all Ioptron stuff got really expensive in the recent year. Right now in the EU it's almost cheaper to get an EQ6R-Pro than a GEM28 model I have (with case and literoc tripod). Honestly it is difficult to recommend this mount at the current price. In the states ZWO AM5 is likely a way better option for a just few hundred $ more.
Eteocles 1.51
I would make sure it will work with your Newt before you buy it.  I had a GEM28 and it didn't work with my Epsilon 130D because to balance it properly I had to flip the scope upside-down, but the mount obstructed this.  I could've done something to put weight on the back side of the OTA but this seemed overly complicated. 

Another thing I didn't like about the GEM28 was the inability to use it without the hand controller.  That just creates more cable-management headaches.
Stefek 1.81
I have GEM28 (EC version though) for almost 2years. Mostly used with SW Esprit 80. 
Can have 4 to 5 min unguided frames With Esprit80. (Did not try more than that though) .
Ocassionally I put Celestron C8 on it (2m fl) . I never had any problem with it. 
What I like the most about iOptron is their hard to beat paylod to weight ratio. I use to have SW HEQ5 before ,but GEM28 is (for me) one generation ahead .
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Eriktim82 0.90
I've had good results with gem28.  Good tracking with my WO z81. I use asiair with it. Been testing it with a RC6.  So far so good with the RC6 even though it's on the heavy side. 

One thing I would suggest is checking the clutch mesh of the worm gear. Mine was a little tight and was giving sporadic jumps in Dec. 

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andreatax 7.90
I have one from 1 year or so. It has been mostly OK with quirks when guiding so in the end I'm not so sure I made the right choice but the money was right so I can't complain in the end. I have a 6" f/4 Photon on with all the gear loaded is around 8-8.5 kg. Next mount most likely a Vixen.
dkamen 6.89
·  1 like
All right, it arrived today and of course we'll have clouds and rain for the next seven days or so, but I did get a one hour window and was able to test it.

Definitely better than the EQM35. Almost zero backlash in DEC, amazing goto accuracy, 0.5" RMS guided despite the very low SNR I had. I was able to take a 5 minute sub which was out of the question before.

And it isn't just quiet. It is almost completely noiseless!

Thank you all for the insight.

Euripides 1.91
I really hope to enjoy it! Welcome to the club :-)
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