Skywatcher Esprit 120 ED average starsize Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED · Tahir · ... · 2 · 134 · 2

Tahir 0.00
Hi all,

I recently got the Esprit 120 and i'm a little confused
Until now i only used a 300mm apo and i usually get average starsizes of around 1.6-2.0 in worst cases. For measuring im using the star detect function in the asi air plus.

Now starting of with the Esprit 120 ED, i get an average starsize of around 2,5 in best cases, sometimes even around 3. My guiding i good i would say, somewhere around 0,5 total rms and im not using the reducer, using it at its native focal length of 840mm.

I would be very grateful, if you guys could tell me, if that is normal or if im missing something here since the stars are nice and round but somewhat big for my taste

Let me share 2 subs, one shot with the 2600mm in Ha, the other one with the o3 filter. 

thank you in advance,

andreatax 7.90
·  1 like
It is normal. The focal length has gone up 2.8 times and so has the image scale. You get better sampling of the PSF.
Tahir 0.00
thank you Andrea! i was not sure eventhough it really makes sense
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