GraXpert for MacOS X NOT working Steffen Hirtle GraXpert · Tobby · ... · 9 · 393 · 1

tobby.bobby 0.00

I used GraXpert soon after AI version was launched and it was working well.
I could use the GraXpert UI standalone, but also from PI.

I've just downloaded the newest version, and I can't launch it.
after the usual apple security warning of using an app that downloaded from the internet, the application does NOT start.

is there a known problem with GraXPert for Mac OS X ?
or maybe I do something wrong ?
Bennich 2.11
I am running on the latest 2.2.2 - on my Macbook without issues. 
What are you experiencing?
jwmatt65 1.43
I am running the latest version of GraXpert 2.2.2 on my MaxBook Pro with out issue.  if you got the unidentified developer message try.
  1. In the Finder  on your Mac, locate the app you want to open.Don’t use Launchpad to do this. Launchpad doesn’t allow you to access the shortcut menu.
  2. Control-click the app icon, then choose Open from the shortcut menu.
  3. Click Open.The app is saved as an exception to your security settings, and you can open it in the future by double-clicking it just as you can any registered app.
Tomvp 0.00
·  1 like
Which version of OS X are you running? And did you check the console log?
SpacePunch 1.20
Did you pay attention where GraXpert latest version has been installing to (file location) and did you change it in PixinSight to that location?
stan29693 2.41
·  1 like
If you are getting the security warning that the OS can't check the file for viruses. OK that and go to settings, security and privacy. Scroll to the bottom and click the button that says run anyway. It won't ask again.
tobby.bobby 0.00
it turns out I had to upgrade to MAC OS X Solana .. I'm now on 14.3.1 and GraXpert is working again.
thank you all.. and hope this thread may help others with similar problem.

PS: I now need to re-process all my photos from the past several weeks
ursomniac 0.00
I can't get it to work (MacOS 12.7.2).

Cnrtl-click brings up the "can't verify there are no viruses" pop-up.
Clicking Open from there just GNDN (goes nowhere does nothing).

Starting over you're back to "This software needs to be updated.  Contact the developer for more information."

There doesn't appear to be any way to get around this:  there used to be a way to override Mac OS checking things, but that no longer appears to be the case.

So I guess it's no longer available for Mac users.      :-(
Tomvp 0.00
Bob Donahue:
So I guess it's no longer available for Mac users.      :-(

Given that you are two major MacOS releases behind, I think that is a bit of a premature conclusion.
Edited ...
ursomniac 0.00
·  1 like
Bob Donahue:
So I guess it's no longer available for Mac users.      :-(

Given that you are two major MacOS releases behind, I think that is a bit of a premature conclusion.

Yeah - I didn't see that it was for OS 13+.
I've remedied that.   Took more futzing but I think it's not crashing anymore.
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