IOTD and Why It Needs Improvement AstroBin Platform open discussions community forum · Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography · ... · 281 · 9028 · 3

andreatax 7.90
IOTD is just an Editor's Pick by another name. Realize that, put your mind at rest and go back to your scopes/camera or what have you.
andrea tasselli:
IOTD is just an Editor's Pick by another name. Realize that, put your mind at rest and go back to your scopes/camera or what have you.

These are wise words. Remember that, after all, this is a process operated by humans, with their preferences, biases, issues, and so on. The core principles behind the current designs (time windows, limited voting slots, distribution at work, etc) are aimed at minimizing the problems caused by the human limitations I mentioned.

You may devise as many other systems you want, they will all suffer from the same underlying problems that we humans are imperfect.

Add to this the fact that we're evaluating something that, at its core, is partly subjective, and you have something fuzzy indeed.

THERE CANNOT BE a system that will find EVERYONE in agreement and always select the most optimally selectable images.

The IOTD is great because, when you account for the general trend, it approximates that quite well.

The same could be achieved in many other ways of casting votes, but you will NEVER remove the underlying noise of the human factor and the subjectivity factor.
rockstarbill 11.02
Salvatore Iovene:
Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography:
Salvatore Iovene:
This goes to say that whenever you propose a major redesign of the process, and expecting it to work better than something that iterated and improved for a decade, you are massively underestimating what it would take.

Similarly, assuming status quo is the best way to do it, because it's always been done that way is greatly underestimating the value in the feedback provided. The folks providing it may have very strong reasons and significant (multiple decades) experience managing such changes on services greatly larger than Astrobin. ​​​​​

I MASSIVELY rely on community feedback to improve AstroBin and plan my roadmap. As I have said to many people over the years, I only have 2 eyes, and I'm massively grateful to have such a proactive and clever community.

However, this doesn't mean that I should implement every single suggestion I get.

I appreciate your feedback, Bill, but I don't agree that there's a problem specifically with what you're bringing up, and I don't think your proposed solution would work, is all.

The best way then it's to have a deeper discussion about why you don't think it'll work. There's also ways to source multiple streams of ideas to refine the method of improving the process.

​​There's enough agreement that it needs to be improved and that's been shared by more than just me, on this thread. So IMO it would be useful to use this as an opportunity to do so.


rockstarbill 11.02
andrea tasselli:
IOTD is just an Editor's Pick by another name.

That's the crux of the issue. It's equally as unreliable as Editors Pick, which isn't really a contest at all, and IOTD masquerades itself as not being a contest when it is one. Claiming it's not a contest removes elements from the discussion on improving the process that would be in place for any real contest.

So if this is the "Editors Pick" of Astrobin, where's the real contest, setup like a contest, that is supported as a contest? 
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AstroDan500 5.63
Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography:
andrea tasselli:
IOTD is just an Editor's Pick by another name.

That's the crux of the issue. It's equally as unreliable as Editors Pick, which isn't really a contest at all, and IOTD masquerades itself as not being a contest when it is one. Claiming it's not a contest removes elements from the discussion on improving the process that would be in place for any real contest.

So if this is the "Editors Pick" of Astrobin, where's the real contest, setup like a contest, that is supported as a contest? 

Put up some prize money then... I do not understand the "contest" part of this debate. To my mind a "Contest" has prizes and winners win something.
This is just an Editors pick.
Geez, these have been around forever on websites with Dozens of real professional photographers and NO ONE complains that I have ever heard  of and
I have posted images on several sites for years.
jeffbax 13.18
Dear @Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography , Envy and jealousy are Bad feelings. Please, you are going to harm yourself. This is just a hobby, no injuries.

Just checked you galerie. Some of your images are nice. The last one particularly.

But you should keep the time you are spending on this thread to improove some aspects. We could change the system, you will still need some improvements to reach the top.

I Say again. Take your scope, process, share images and be able to hear that you don't have the truth.

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HegAstro 12.28
Dan Kearl:
Put up some prize money then... I do not understand the "contest" part of this debate. To my mind a "Contest" has prizes and winners win something.
This is just an Editors pick.

Well, this is easily disproven. The Oscars, for example, have no prize money associated with them, just the statue given to the winners. But it does have nominees and (gasp!) categories!!!
rockstarbill 11.02
Dan Kearl:
Put up some prize money then... I do not understand the "contest" part of this debate. To my mind a "Contest" has prizes and winners win something.
This is just an Editors pick.
Geez, these have been around forever on websites with Dozens of real professional photographers and NO ONE complains that I have ever heard  of and
I have posted images on several sites for years.

This isn't my site to be putting money up on as a prize so you'd have to ask about that to someone else.

I don't think the motivation here is money though. Recognition is equally as good of a prize as money to many.
AstroDan500 5.63
Contests are everywhere in Normal photography and you enter and someone judges and people win.
In nature and landscape photography they are huge and there is real prize money and publicity involved.
You can enter your Astro images in many of them and if you win, you get prizes.
The IOTD on this website offers nothing like that and most people realize it.
rockstarbill 11.02
Jeffbax Velocicaptor:
Dear @Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography , Envy and jealousy are Bad feelings. Please, you are going to harm yourself. This is just a hobby, no injuries.

Just checked you galerie. Some of your images are nice. The last one particularly.

But you should keep the time you are spending on this thread to improove some aspects. We could change the system, you will still need some improvements to reach the top.

I Say again. Take your scope, process, share images and be able to hear that you don't have the truth.


Jeff this is solely about fixing what I and many others (that have shared here on this thread) believe is a process needing improvement. This isn't about me or my images specifically, so there's really no need to go making this personal. I respectfully ask that you stop doing so.
SparkyHT 3.01
Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography:
The best way then it's to have a deeper discussion about why you don't think it'll work. There's also ways to source multiple streams of ideas to refine the method of improving the process.

​​There's enough agreement that it needs to be improved and that's been shared by more than just me, on this thread. So IMO it would be useful to use this as an opportunity to do so.

I wish it to change along with many unspoken others, but the resistance here is so palpable you can almost taste it. These arguments about how messed up the IOTD process is come along every now and then, and in the end, the chorus that arises from the same parties is "everything's fine, won't change it". When you're the only game in town, you can do whatever you want, I guess.
jeffbax 13.18
Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography:
Jeffbax Velocicaptor:
Dear @Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography , Envy and jealousy are Bad feelings. Please, you are going to harm yourself. This is just a hobby, no injuries.

Just checked you galerie. Some of your images are nice. The last one particularly.

But you should keep the time you are spending on this thread to improove some aspects. We could change the system, you will still need some improvements to reach the top.

I Say again. Take your scope, process, share images and be able to hear that you don't have the truth.


Jeff this is solely about fixing what I and many others (that have shared here on this thread) believe is a process needing improvement. This isn't about me or my images specifically, so there's really no need to go making this personal. I respectfully ask that you stop doing so.

*You started with and extremely agressive title here. Which you have changed After people reaction. You will not fool me. You are jealous and seeking for some ego recognition. 

I leave this smelling thread.
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rockstarbill 11.02
Jeffbax Velocicaptor:
Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography:
Jeffbax Velocicaptor:
Dear @Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography , Envy and jealousy are Bad feelings. Please, you are going to harm yourself. This is just a hobby, no injuries.

Just checked you galerie. Some of your images are nice. The last one particularly.

But you should keep the time you are spending on this thread to improove some aspects. We could change the system, you will still need some improvements to reach the top.

I Say again. Take your scope, process, share images and be able to hear that you don't have the truth.


Jeff this is solely about fixing what I and many others (that have shared here on this thread) believe is a process needing improvement. This isn't about me or my images specifically, so there's really no need to go making this personal. I respectfully ask that you stop doing so.

*You started with and extremely agressive title here. Which you have changed After people reaction. You will not fool me. You are jealous and seeking for some ego recognition. 

I leave this smelling thread.

I respectfully disagree with your assessment. This isn't about me at all. I didn't think Farce was all that aggressive of a word but hey some people did so I adjusted it based on feedback. 

At least someone in this discussion takes feedback and applies it.
AstroDan500 5.63
Arun H:
Dan Kearl:
Put up some prize money then... I do not understand the "contest" part of this debate. To my mind a "Contest" has prizes and winners win something.
This is just an Editors pick.

Well, this is easily disproven. The Oscars, for example, have no prize money associated with them, just the statue given to the winners. But it does have nominees and (gasp!) categories!!!

The Oscars have Million of dollars in sponsorship. This is not exactly apples to apple.
The Sony World Photography Awards like many "award" contests have big money in prizes.
Those are Contests with big money behind them whether the Oscars gives prize money or not.
This is a website that costs people $40 bucks a year.
There are no cash prizes and the Publicity is limited to the membership.
If you want to go Professional and really be recognized then you need to enter contests that pay money and
get real publicity or just do what thousands of professional photographers do, they have their own websites and
sell their product and their services.
rockstarbill 11.02
Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography:
The best way then it's to have a deeper discussion about why you don't think it'll work. There's also ways to source multiple streams of ideas to refine the method of improving the process.

​​There's enough agreement that it needs to be improved and that's been shared by more than just me, on this thread. So IMO it would be useful to use this as an opportunity to do so.

I wish it to change along with many unspoken others, but the resistance here is so palpable you can almost taste it. These arguments about how messed up the IOTD process is come along every now and then, and in the end, the chorus that arises from the same parties is "everything's fine, won't change it". When you're the only game in town, you can do whatever you want, I guess.

It's usually a blend of anger towards the person that's suggesting something needs to be improved, or a resistance to change and preference for status quo instead. 

Both of these examples have been used in this discussion already.
HegAstro 12.28
·  1 like
Dan Kearl:
The Oscars have Million of dollars in sponsorship. This is not exactly apples to apple.

The point is that it is a contest with no prize money. This may be verified through any number of sources. It is also not the only example of a contest. School divisions have contests, as an example, in sports or academics. Almost always, what you get is a trophy of some kind with no monetary value. 

Anyhow... pretty much everyone here, even those who claim that the system is awesome, seem to agree that it is a contest. I won't debate this particular point anymore.
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rockstarbill 11.02
Arun H:
Dan Kearl:
The Oscars have Million of dollars in sponsorship. This is not exactly apples to apple.

The point is that it is a contest with no prize money. This may be verified through any number of sources. It is also not the only example of a contest. School divisions have contests, as an example, in sports or academics. Almost always, what you get is a trophy of some kind with no monetary value. 

Anyhow... pretty much everyone here, even those who claim that the system is awesome, seem to agree that it is a contest. I won't debate this particular point anymore.

APOD is one as well. You submit your image to them and they put these in their forum. Some get populated on their Sky Facebook page, and a smaller number of those get posted on their APOD site. 

No one wins any money, the recognition is the prize. 

There's a significant diversity of images on APOD, and the only organizations they give any preference to, is their own images they have created at NASA and other space agencies using professional scientific grade data.
messierman3000 4.20
·  1 like
If I were the owner of Astrobin, I would remove the IOTD judges, and the all people responsible for choosing IOTD, and I would instead put a "vote for IOTD" or "vote for award" button on the front page, for every image that comes up; that way, the IOTD is neither based on the judges' own opinions nor likes, because both methods are unstable, even if the judges do intense discussions between themselves.

This way, the basis is on the opinion of the viewer, not fans, not judges, just viewers.

And then, maybe every week, or day, certain chosen people (maybe the past judges) can view what image got the most votes, and based on that give awards.

Or something along those lines...
bdm201170 2.11
The universe is not always and not everywhere beautiful and colorful, so neither do our photos have to be, otherwise it is vanity and virtual art until someone goes there and sees it with their own eyes, I want a second opinion.
Otherwise it is just an illusion that time will take care of extinguishing in our minds.

to the memory of my grandfather
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bdm201170 2.11
·  1 like
i translate some memory of my grand father from  Spanish to English

please enjoy this journey and look the skies , and the end who guarantees  me 100%  that those color are real

 just 50%  vs 50%  

clear skies for all
framoro 6.68
·  1 like
If I were the owner of Astrobin, I would remove the IOTD judges, and the all people responsible for choosing IOTD, and I would instead put a "vote for IOTD" or "vote for award" button on the front page, for every image that comes up; that way, the IOTD is neither based on the judges' own opinions nor likes, because both methods are unstable, even if the judges do intense discussions between themselves.

This way, the basis is on the opinion of the viewer, not fans, not judges, just viewers.

And then, maybe every week, or day, certain chosen people (maybe the past judges) can view what image got the most votes, and based on that give awards.

Or something along those lines...

Wouldn’t this be a synonym of counting the likes?
Wouldn’t this be the same as having people giving their preference (like submitters today) and sone judges (like judges today) picking “subjectively” from images with most preferences?

Why don’t the firm proposers for a change draft a detailed protocol with background, aim, methods and expected results to later discuss with Salvatore in a meeting? This will help practically themselves to evaluate how the changes they propose can realistically be implemented and, in case may allow their implementation. 

HegAstro 12.28
Why don’t the firm proposers for a change draft a detailed protocol with background, aim, methods and expected results to later discuss with Salvatore in a meeting? This will help practically themselves to evaluate how the changes they propose can realistically be implemented and, in case may allow their implementation.

[i] [/i]The first point is to come to agreement that there is indeed a problem and an openness to improvement. If the constant position taken is to claim that the process only needs tweaking around the edges - as is done in virtually every single one of these discussions including this one - then it is a complete waste of time to come up with detailed proposals. To take one example - one proposal that was made here was to have separate categories for deep sky and solar. It seems that this, while still imperfect. could be easily done. But it will not be done. Because again, there is an incredible amount of resistance to this from a small group of people who have invested time and effort such that the current system works for them and will see this type of change as diluting whatever it is the current system gives them.
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Arun H:
Jeez, 300 images submitted per day? 
Then I guess people are more interested in "likes" and IOTD than just simple sharing ...

Of course they are, lol, it is human nature! As I mentioned, even judges who have excellent images  cannot bring themselves not to participate and miss out on the chance to get a badge of some form! Visible recognition of some form by one's peers always is and has been something that is desirable, even if there is no monetary value attached to it. It is the reason why we have so many issues with social media. It is the reason why people who have worked hard or invested time and money to gain this recognition will be incredibly resistant to changing it because they see it as diluting the recognition they have "earned".

May be the one simple thing we can all agree on is that the IOTD is indeed a competition in everything but name. Because the pretense that it isn't is simply not defensible. And change the manifesto to reflect that, and people can then decide what they want to about it being fair or unfair. Heck, even some of the most vocal defenders of the system in this thread (and previous threads) agree it is a competition!  Incidentally, 300 images being submitted per day is hardly evidence that the system is functional. It simply means that people are interested in this or some other type of contest. And it isn't as if there is some other contest or some other platform where they can participate.

Good points Arun, but there was a time before Astrobin in AP , and people were taking pictures and sharing without all this [useless] competition. To me there is significant bias, that makes competing in this field pointless.

As a simple example, how can a backyard guy compete with a Chile CDK setup?
How easy is it to image with a PlaneWave ($100K) setup compared with a modest setup that needs constant attention to work? 
If you think about it the quality of the image correlates significantly with the quality of the gear and sky, as it should.

Then practically what are we rewarding? People who can buy more expensive gear? 
There is no effort in obtaining a good image with good gear, I speak from experience.

Astrobin is just like FaceBook and other social media platforms that rely on the nature of the dopaminergic reward system. This is what social media exploits and augments with the "like" button, and also IOTD in this case. It's all simple physiology, and believe it or not, it can lead to addiction, anxiety and depression. 

Hence my recommendation to remove the feature all together, but I doubt it would be the case since it can hurt the business, and the designer knows very well why he chose a social media driven system.
Bobinius 9.90

I propose an Image of the Night award along with the Image of the Day award (a 12h split). Salvatore can maybe write a script that will change the title automatically according to your local time. This will double the number of people that are feeling happier every day, which from an utilitarian ethics point of view, is surely the moral thing to do.


Basically the argument I am seeing from the beginning of this thread is the following:

Premise: I produce world class, IOTD worthy images.
Premise: My images are not selected as IOTD.
Conclusion: Therefore, the IOTD selection process is a farce.

Please tell me how do you support the first premise? You complain from the start, along with others, that since your images are not selected, this must be fishy. They are better than the current IOTD in your opinion. Dusty images are crap, but in vogue currently among the judges. Well, I produced 2 dusty images recently, surprisingly not because I noticed some hidden trend, but because I really like these objects. None won IOTD, must be because the process is a farce or they are not good enough. They are not easy to process or produce, contrary to what you asserted. I see a lot of dark nebulae with lost details in the dark parts (some won IOTD indeed), dark clipped details all turning to black patches, lost details due to noise reduction, bad color calibration. Correctly color calibration and background neutralization of a diffuse dark nebula is tough. If by mistake, due to your level of exposure, you select a patch of the nebula instead of real background, you will shift towards red etc. Sound easy to you, maybe you can show us the way.

If this is a contest, what on Earth are we for example, doing in the same category? Your mount costs 5 times more than mine, your scope costs 7 times more than mine, your camera costs 7 times more than mine. How would you like the process to account for that, when images of comparable quality are produced?

This is a process that works because of volunteers, their work should be appreciated but it's hard to expect a perfect workout comparable to a standardized, payed professional contest situation. I don't find that all the IOTD should have won, I sometimes think that one of my images could have been picked, I sometimes think that worse images than mine have been selected for the same target. Doesn't imply the process is a farce. What I really require from Salvatore and Astrobin is that the judges are experienced top astrophotographers that know what they are doing. I don't know who they are (except 1) but this seems essential to make the IOTD different from a popularity click contest.

What has changed indeed compared to a few years, has less to do with Astrobin itself, but with the AI trend, remote trend, many hours collaboration trend. One click deconvolution and sharpening, one click noise reduction will just make images more uniform, not due to some inherent quality, but to similar AI processing, not requiring much knowledge, skill or effort from the photographer. Now the difference seems to be made by contrasty images, ultrasaturated, faint extensions, hours etc. (in general, not only in astrobin).

So, as long as you did not establish how you arrive at proving P1, maybe the best thing to do is trying to improve your images and enjoy your nice equipment.


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HegAstro 12.28
As a simple example, how can a backyard guy compete with a Chile CDK setup?
How easy is it to image with a PlaneWave ($100K) setup compared with a modest setup that needs constant attention to work? 
If you think about it the quality of the image correlates significantly with the quality of the gear and sky, as it should.

The problems are  obvious. What you will see as counterarguments by those invested in the current system is that categories will be taken to an extreme. I call this the slippery slope argument. Of course this can be done in all walks of life, not just AP.  Why, for example, does the NCAA have divisions? Why separate mens and women's teams? It is a recognition that budgets and gender have great effect on outcome. May be the same logic should apply there as well. We should tell the D2 and D3 schools (and women) that they can compete with the massive budget and facilities of Michigan, Alabama, Georgia, and Ohio State simply by trying harder, lol. When the Iowa and South Carolina women's basketball teams do not make the now combined bracket, we should suggest to them that they are in it for the wrong reasons if they are after tournament medals. But whatever. I accomplished one thing at least in this long thread - completely busting the lie that the IOTD is not a competition. Now that we are agreed that it is one, reasonable people can make their own judgements and decisions.
Hence my recommendation to remove the feature all together, but I doubt it would be the case since it can hurt the business, and the designer knows very well why he chose a social media driven system.

Of course it will hurt. Removing (or changing) a reward system will be fought tooth and nail by those that are seeing themselves as being rewarded by the system. Why doesn't FB, X, or Instagram remove likes? There is ample evidence that that is devastating our children. But it is good for business. So it will remain.
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