Hello from New South Wales, Australia Introduce yourself! · Daniel J. Leahy · ... · 2 · 155 · 0

danieljleahy 1.51
Hello folks!

I'm new to the group, and have been blown away by what I've seen so far in this community.

I started astrophotography when I was in Canberra in about 2013-14, but had little chance to develop as I went overseas for work, then moved around for study. I dabbled with a few shots here and there, but never really got to learn much.  As my moves have now settled down quite a bit, I find myself being 'bitten by the bug' again and I'm slowly digging what little gear I have out of storage.

Looking forward to seeing my skills develop over the coming months / years as I learn more.

Happy to discuss!


TamRich1874 6.68
Welcome Daniel to the Astrobin family.
This is a fantastic and sometimes frustrating hobby but the rewards are worth every minute and hour.
Every time you image you are learning new skills.
All the best in your journey Tam
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FrancoisT 3.91
·  1 like

Hello from Canada ! Welcome to our Astrobin family. 

This platform is a wealth of information, not only in the forums, but also in seeing what other enthusiasts are producing for images.
I particularly like looking at images and seeing what gear / software / processing the others are using.
Of course the people participating in the forums have lots of knowledge to help you. Of course,  there are always members ready to offer advice if you need it.

It is not a process, it is a journey. You will enjoy it.

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