Two Things I Don't Understand About the ASIAIR Plus ZWO ASIAIR · Jerry Gerber · ... · 5 · 417 · 0

jsg 8.95
1.  When I have ASIAIR in station mode, where do I set my Android connection to:  My Wi-Fi or the ASIAIR, or does it not matter?  It seems to work either way, but I;'m trying to see which will get me the strongest signal when I am indoors. 

2.  When I have two Android tablets with the ASIAIR Plus app open in both (one by the telescope outside while imaging, the other with me in the house, what controls what?  If I make a change to a setting, does it affect the ASIAIR and the other tablet?

Of course the manual doesn't explain any of this stuff otherwise I woudn't have to ask!

Edited ...
Joo_Astro 1.91
1: Station mode exists so you can connect the AIR to your home Wi-Fi and access the AIR from further away, but if the distance between it and the closest point of your network is the same as to your device, you probably should just test which works better. For me, connecting to the Wi-Fi works better and is more stable.

2: No clue, sorry.
Danny_Astro 2.86
Hi Jerry, 

Like many I have trouble connecting directly to the ASIair unit, as soon as I begin moving around indoors I lose the connection. I use station mode and my understanding is that the ASIair connects to the WiFi and then you connect your android device via that WiFi rather than directly to the air. It's given me a more stable connection. 

Can't help with the 2nd question I'm afraid but I've avoided opening the app on two devices in case it caused problems. Has it been ok when you're done so?
The tablets are connections are just remote controls.

All control is done on the asi.
Current state is held on the ASI and then should be reflected on both tablets.

You should be able to easily verify that by issuing a command from one tablet .Once the air has commanded your rig, its current state will update and then both tablets should reflect this new state,ie new focuser position or new RA/DEC mount position etc.
Edski 2.81
·  1 like
Question 2,  (I think this answers your question)
Yes, I have opened the app on my android  phone and tablet at the same time and a change appears in both devices.   They just mirror each other.
jsg 8.95
Thanks everyone for answering my two questions!
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