Asi air power adaptor ZWO ASIair Plus · Menelaos · ... · 2 · 165 · 0

Menelaos 0.00
·  1 like
Hello and good afternoon.
I have a question about powering the asi air plus. It says in the manual that it requires a minimum of 12V power supply but it doesn’t state the maximum it can handle. I have a a power cable that provides 15V. Would that be a lot and burn the circuits or is that ok? How do you guys power your asi air?
Elmiko 9.53
As long as the power supply is between 12-13  volts you will be fine.  The power cable is rated for 15 volts.
Natclanwy 0.00
·  1 like
Per the ZWO website the ASIAIR Plus is rated for 9-15vdc, so I would be careful with an adaptor that provides exactly the max power rating I would double check it's output with a volt meter to ensure it isn't providing over 15v. 

FAQ #5
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