ASI 2600 MC Pro bright white circle in subs Other · ikkhatri · ... · 26 · 1842 · 2

Gyoenastaader 0.00
Bernhard Suntinger:
I have the same issue with my new ASI 2600MCpro bought in Jan 2022.
I use it with a Celestron C11, Hyperstar f/2 and Lightpollution-Filter IDAS LPS-D3.
I´m not sure if the gradient phänomenon comes from an internal reflection of the LP-filter, the Hyperstar or if this problem maybe comes from the known "ASI 2600 Oil-leak problem"?
Could it be, that the oil settle down on the heated camerawindow, when the sensor and the other area of the camera has cooled down?

(Here you can see a strong hinstogrammstretch of the gradient phänomenon; sensor temp.=

@Bernhard Suntinger Were you able to find the issue with this strange gradient? I am seeing a very similar pattern on my C9.25 Hyperstar with a L-Pro, L-Extreme F2, and Color Magic D2. Flats are not correcting the issue.
spaceworthy 0.00
I’ve had that happen with a qhy268m, for me it was cooling the camera too much with the dew heater too hot.
I turned the heater down a bit and set the QHY to -5 instead of -10
has never happened since
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