Spectrophotometric color calibration Pixinsight [Deep Sky] Processing techniques · Dennis Spender · ... · 27 · 675 · 1

CSChurch14 0.90
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Dale Penkala:
Skender Kajoshaj:
Basically all videos I watched or posts I read of people using SPCC is when they use PI to stack the images and then "it works".
Well, I don't use PI to stack the images. I use AstroPixelProcessor.
I then indeed used the Image Solver to plate solve the images.
And then I used SPCC, with every possible setting and combination. It is not about a specific one image with sparse stars or something - it happens with EVERY IMAGE.
Last time I tried is my last astrophoto - the M81 (you can see it in my profile). While SPCC was "running" it would show in the  console that it "recognized" thousands of stars, and that would go on like that for minutes, walls of text with SPCC doing stuff ... but at the end it fails every time with a message similar to what I posted, about "zero samples ... 5 samples needed" or something like that.

EDIT: for the fun of it, I even tried it with WBPP --- so stacked the M81 with that.
Still the same result.

I do the same thing, process everything in APP and then post process with PI. I’ve had some of the errors in the past that your referring to and one of the things I realized after doing some research as I forgot that I binned an image or something in the image scale is off.

My suggestion is to offer up your integrated image for other experienced users to download and give it a try. I’m positive your missing something and without a file NONE of us can help you.

Another option is to go right to the source and post your issue right in the PI forum’s. I have done that in the past and usually within an hour I have answers to give a try.

If you do it here on AB you might even want to post a separate thread.

Just my suggestions. 


Good suggestion Dale.  I do the same thing APP then PI.  

Id agree posting your APP stacked image may be the OP the quickest result to solving the problem.
ghatfield 1.51
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I, for one, have no trouble with SPCC.  I run it early, just after gradient removal and Imagesolver.   As I noted in an earlier post, I sometimes have trouble deciding what filter set to use, but after processing over 80 images in the last year, I have concluded that the filter set is not all that important as long as the curves are linear and the fit is good.  Sometimes, the color is not what I expect (e.g., many of the modified DSLR images I have processed, such as M16), but I go with what SPCC gives me, again, as long as the curves look good.   I think it is an amazing process!

DalePenkala 15.85
George Hatfield:
I, for one, have no trouble with SPCC.  I run it early, just after gradient removal and Imagesolver.   As I noted in an earlier post, I sometimes have trouble deciding what filter set to use, but after processing over 80 images in the last year, I have concluded that the filter set is not all that important as long as the curves are linear and the fit is good.  Sometimes, the color is not what I expect (e.g., many of the modified DSLR images I have processed, such as M16), but I go with what SPCC gives me, again, as long as the curves look good.   I think it is an amazing process!


Agreed George, outstanding process!
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