Pixinsight Autocrop in WBPP 2.54 GAS Astrophotography Interest Group · maxchess · ... · 1 · 66 · 0

maxchess 2.61
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See: https://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?threads/wbpp-2-5-4-released.19604/#post-118845

New Autocrop feature
The main feature released is called Autocrop. This represents an automatic method to detect the largest region that can be extracted from each integrated master light that crops out the external regions of the image that contain high low-rejection values, typically due to the registration framing of the integrated light frames.
The Autocrop feature provides a convenient method to crop out the peripherical regions where the SNR is degraded because of the reduced number of stacked frames number. It also handles the adaptation of the astrometric solution for the cropped image. This latter aspect is a fundamental step to leverage the new spectrophotometric tools that we will develop in the future, including the newly released Spectrophotometric Color Calibration (SPCC) tool.

Tim.Ellison 0.00
Interesting to read that Max. Do you think they have copied the "trick" I've been using for a while to do the same thing via the integration process? Perhaps I should have thought about a patent!! Too late now!
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